Ian Houghton
Managing DirectorIan Houghton graduated from the Scandinavian College of Naprapathic Medicine in 2010. Since starting doing his first course in massage therapay at the age of 17 Ian has been passionate about learning and understanding the human body in order to help others with pain management, improved function and performance. Ian holds over 30 certifications within the field of strength and conditioning and manual therapy and has been teaching the same for the past 9 years. In 2011 Ian moved to Dubai to open Scandinavian Health & Performance (SHP), an exclusive physiotherapy clinic and personal training studio. For 6+ years Ian managed 30 health and fitness professionals who together created one of the markets most respected and preferred providers of health and fitness services. Over the years Ian has worked with all walks of life from elite sports to seniors and chronic pain rehabilitation.
- Dr of Naprapathy - Scandinavian College of Naprapathic Medicine, Sweden - 2010
- AFPT Personal Trainer - 2005
- Sports Science (1yr) - University of Stavanger - 2005
- Sports massage therapist - Manumedic, Norway - 2001
Courses (sample)
- Nutritional advisor - AFPT Norway
- NSCA, Certified strength and conditioning specialist
- Procedos Master Trainer - Sweden
- Advanced Program Design - Strength Sensei
- Nick Tumminello Mentorship - Dubai
- Bioprint - Stength Sensei
- European Movement Meeting - Ido Portal
- Understanding Pain - Lorimer Mosley
- Functional Therapeutic Movement - Ben Cormack
- Nike Golf Specialist
- Master Rehab Trainer - Australia
- Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) + FMS
- Athletic Team Coach - Eleiko
- USA Weightlifting Sports Performance Coach - Las Vegas
- CrossFit level 1&2 + specialist courses
- Athletes Performance phase 1 - Los Angeles
- Explosive Strength Coach - Eleiko
- Advanced Corrective & Functional Trainer - Eleiko
- Russian Kettlebell Challenge (RKC level 1) - Denmark
- RedCord Neurac 1 - Sweden
- Managing Director - AFPT International
- Program Director - Waqty Fitness
- Founder and Managing Director - Scandinavian Health & Performance in Dubai (2011-2018)
- Naprapathic manual therapist - 8yrs
- Personal Trainer - 14yrs
- Senior lecturer for AFPT Norway - 9yrs
- Presented at multiple large fitness conferences
- Medical team assistant for Chelsea FC
- Medical team assistant for Leeds Utd
- Presenter and consultant for Nike Sweden
Ian teaches
- Role of the Personal Trainer
- Strength Training Techniques
- Program Design
- Exercise Analysis
- Mobility and stretching (Practical)
- Client cases and putting it all together